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He decidido finalmente hacer públicos mis Apuntes de Misión. Son experiencias de vida que me han marcado y que intento presentar resumidamente para hacer más ágil y amena su lectura.

El presbítero Belisario Ciro Montoya, pertenece a la Diócesis de Sonsón Rionegro en Colombia y, asociado al PIME (Pontificio instituto de misiones extranjeras), desempeña su ministerio en Bangladesh. Ordenado diácono el 24 de junio del 2011, es sacerdote desde el 29 de octubre del mismo año.


At our Chandpukur Mission boys and girls orphanage we currently only give one serving of meat each week, Sunday at lunch. Every day our almost 300 girls and boys consume around 120 kilos of rice, with some vegetables and especially lentils. However, apart from a soft-boiled egg on Thursdays and occasionally fish (when a benefactor offers us something extra) only on Sundays do they regularly have access to this source of protein.
A few days ago my little ones called me for a meeting where, they told me, they wanted to make me a proposal. I thought it would be about the picnic, for which they have been waiting for a long time. However not.
Their proposal left me speechless. They asked me to stop buying meat for them on Sundays and, instead, to save the money to do a charity to a poor person during Lent.
I was stunned and overwhelmed by their act of generosity and love, and embarrassed  for my own pettiness.
It is the magnanimity and nobility of the little ones, it is the offering of the poor widow that Jesus himself praises: because she did not give what was left over but the only thing she had to live on.